Sabrina Ramonov πŸ„

Launch Your Own Mini Hollywood Studio with AI - Paul Durelli, Digital Kahuna

β€’ Sabrina Ramonov πŸ„

Paul has over 25 years of experience in advertising and marketing. He’s helped build studios for major players in the entertainment industry, including Disney, Warner Bros, and Sony. For the past 18 years, he’s focused on integrating web development, email marketing, and social media strategies for large-scale marketing. His unique expertise helps creatives navigate the evolving industry.


In this episode, Paul highlights the emerging opportunity to use AI to launch your own studio, bypassing traditional Hollywood gatekeepers that normally reject most projects.

Paul encourages screenwriters to embrace a combination of AI tools and systematic outsourcing, in order to directly connect with audiences via platforms like YouTube, increasing revenue and exposure significantly. 

Embracing AI tools like MidJourney and ElevenLabs will level the playing field, allowing creators to build their own mini studios. 

It's about empowering creatives with AI. 

If you have a story to tell, don’t miss out on this episode!